Error Data Model


The schema is part of the Domain


Used when an API throws an Error, typically with a HTTP error response-code (3xx, 4xx, 5xx)

Data model

A JSON Schema corresponding to this data model can be found here.

The Data model is defined as shown below: - code : Application relevant detail, defined in the API or a common list - Mandatory - reason : Explanation of the reason for the error which can be shown to a client user - Mandatory - message : More details and corrective actions related to the error which can be shown to a client user - Optional - status : HTTP Error code extension - Optional - referenceError : URI of documentation describing the error - Optional

TMForum APIs that use this schema

Taking into consideration the snapshot of 04/02/2020 04:22:50 UTC the list of TMForum Open APIs that uses this schemas is:

Coming soon