Trouble ticket Data Model


The schema is part of the Domain


A trouble ticket is a record of an issue that is created, tracked, and managed by a trouble ticket management system

Data model

A JSON Schema corresponding to this data model can be found here.

The Data model is defined as shown below: - attachment : File(s) attached to the trouble ticket. e.g. pictur of broken device, scaning of a bill or charge - Optional - channel : The channel that origin the trouble ticket - Optional - creationDate : The date on which the trouble ticket was created - Optional - description : Description of the trouble or issue - Optional - expectedResolutionDate : The expected resolution date determined by the trouble ticket system - Optional - externalId : Additional identifier coming from an external system - Optional - href : Hyperlink, a reference to the trouble ticket entity - Optional - id : Unique identifier of the trouble ticket - Optional - lastUpdate : The date and time that the trouble ticked was last updated - Optional - name : Name of the trouble ticket, typically a short description provided by the user that create the ticket - Optional - note : The note(s) that are associated to the ticket. - Optional - priority : The priority of the trouble ticket and how quickly the issue should be resolved. Example: Critical, High, Medium, Low. The value is set by the ticket management system considering the severity, ticket type etc... - Optional - relatedEntity : An entity that is related to the ticket such as a bill, a product, etc. The entity against which the ticket is associated. - Optional - relatedParty : The related party(ies) that are associated to the ticket. - Optional - requestedResolutionDate : The resolution date requested by the user - Optional - resolutionDate : The date and time the trouble ticket was resolved - Optional - severity : The severity of the issue. Indicate the implication of the issue on the expected functionality e.g. of a system, application, service etc.. Severity values can be for example : Critical, Major, Minor - Optional - status : The current status of the trouble ticket - Optional - statusChange : The status change history that are associated to the ticket.Populated by the server - Optional - statusChangeDate : The date and time the status changed. - Optional - statusChangeReason : The reason for changing the status - Optional - troubleTicketRelationship : A list of trouble ticket relationships (TroubleTicketRelationship [*]). Represents a relationship between trouble tickets - Optional - ticketType : represent a business type of the trouble ticket e.g. incident, complain, request - Optional

TMForum APIs that use this schema

Taking into consideration the snapshot of 04/02/2020 04:22:50 UTC the list of TMForum Open APIs that uses this schemas is:

Coming soon