Price alteration Data Model


The schema is part of the Domain


Is an amount, usually of money, that modifies the price charged for an order item.

Data model

A JSON Schema corresponding to this data model can be found here.

The Data model is defined as shown below: - applicationDuration : Duration during which the alteration applies on the order item price (for instance 2 months free of charge for the recurring charge) - Optional - description : A narrative that explains in detail the semantics of this order item price alteration - Optional - name : Name of the order item price alteration - Optional - priceType : A category that describes the price such as recurring, one time and usage. - Mandatory - priority : Priority level for applying this alteration among all the defined alterations on the order item price - Optional - recurringChargePeriod : Could be month, week... - Optional - unitOfMeasure : Could be minutes, GB... - Optional

TMForum APIs that use this schema

Taking into consideration the snapshot of 04/02/2020 04:22:50 UTC the list of TMForum Open APIs that uses this schemas is:

Coming soon