Service test Data Model


The schema is part of the Domain


A service test is an entity that exists for a controlled test invocation on a service. The service test is executed according to a schedule and contains service test configuration parameters that are to be applied at execution time, and service test measures that result.

Data model

A JSON Schema corresponding to this data model can be found here.

The Data model is defined as shown below: - characteristic : List of characteristics with values that define the test run - Optional - description : Description of the service test - Optional - endDateTime : The end date and time of the service test - Optional - href : Hyperlink to access the service test - Optional - id : The identifier of the service test - Optional - mode : An indication of whether the service test is running in "PROACTIVE" or "ONDEMAND" mode - Optional - name : The name of the service test - Optional - relatedService : The actual service being tested - Optional - startDateTime : The start date and time of the service test. - Optional - state : The actual state the service test is in - Optional - testMeasure : The results of the test in terms of the measured metrics - Optional - testSpecification : The specification for this test - Optional

TMForum APIs that use this schema

Taking into consideration the snapshot of 04/02/2020 04:22:51 UTC the list of TMForum Open APIs that uses this schemas is:

Coming soon