Entity catalog item Data Model


The schema is part of the Domain


An EntityCatalogItem is an entity that allows any ProductOffering, ServiceCandidate, ResourceCandidate, or even any object inheriting from RootEntity, to be available to a catalog. The CatalogSpecification and Policy of the catalog governs the content of the EntityCatalogItem. This API addresses only EntitySpecification items extended from RootEntity as EntityCatalogItem. The EntityCatalogItem resource (JSON format) represents a set of characteristics that define the values given by the EntityCatalogItem.

Data model

A JSON Schema corresponding to this data model can be found here.

The Data model is defined as shown below: - description : Description of this REST resource - Optional - href : Hyperlink reference to this REST resource - Optional - id : Unique identifier of this REST resource - Optional - lastUpdate : Date and time of the last update of this REST resource - Optional - lifecycleStatus : Used to indicate the current lifecycle status of this catalog item - Optional - name : Name given to this REST resource - Optional - validFor : The period for which this REST resource is valid - Optional - version : EntityCatalogItem version - Optional

TMForum APIs that use this schema

Taking into consideration the snapshot of 04/02/2020 04:22:50 UTC the list of TMForum Open APIs that uses this schemas is:

Coming soon