Service qualification Data Model


The schema is part of the Domain


ServiceQualification is used to perform a technical eligibility. It allows to retrieve a list of services that are technically available in the context of the interaction (place, party, service characteristics, ...).

Data model

A JSON Schema corresponding to this data model can be found here.

The Data model is defined as shown below: - description : Description of the serviceQualification - Optional - effectiveQualificationDate : Effective date to serviceQualification completion - Optional - estimatedResponseDate : Date when the requester expect to provide an answer for the qualification request. - Optional - expectedQualificationDate : A date (DateTime). Deadline date when the requester expected a qualification answer. - Optional - expirationDate : Date when the qualification response expires - Optional - href : Hyperlink to access the serviceQualification - Optional - id : Unique identifier of the serviceQualification resource - Optional - provideAlternative : When the value is TRUE means that alternative solutions should be provided - Optional - provideOnlyAvailable : When the value is TRUE means that only available service must be listed in the response - Optional - provideUnavailabilityReason : When the value is TRUE means that unavailability reason are expected for non available service. - Optional - serviceQualificationDate : Date when the serviceQualification was submitted - Optional - state : State of the serviceQualification (acknowledged, inProgress, terminatedWithError, done) - Optional - serviceQualificationItem : A list of service qualification items. - Optional - relatedParty : A list of related party references, defines party or party role linked to this request. - Optional - externalId : Identifier provided by the requester - Optional - qualificationResult : Qualification result for this serviceQualification. It could be: qualified (all qualification item are qualified), alternate (At least one item alternate and no item with unqualified), unqualified (At least one item unqualified) - Optional

TMForum APIs that use this schema

Taking into consideration the snapshot of 04/02/2020 04:22:51 UTC the list of TMForum Open APIs that uses this schemas is:

Coming soon