Product offering qualification Data Model


The schema is part of the Domain


ProductOfferingQualification is used to perform a commercial eligibility. It allows to retrieve a list of productOffering that are commercially available in the context of the interaction (defined be place, channel, party, product).

Data model

A JSON Schema corresponding to this data model can be found here.

The Data model is defined as shown below: - channel : Channel used for the qualification - Optional - description : Description of the productOfferingQualification - Optional - effectiveQualificationDate : Effective date to productOfferingQualification completion - Optional - expectedPOQCompletionDate : Date when the requester expect to provide an answer for the qualification request - Optional - expirationDate : Date the qualification response expires - Optional - href : Hyperlink to access the productOfferingQualification - Optional - id : Unique identifier of the productOfferingQualification resource - Optional - instantSyncQualification : An indicator which when the value is "true" means that requester expects to get qualifcation result immediately in the response. If the indicator is true then the response code of 200 indicates the operation is successful otherwise a task is created with a response 201. - Optional - note : Free form text associated with the qualification request - Optional - productOfferingQualificationDate : Date when the productOfferingQualification has been submitted - Optional - productOfferingQualificationItem : Qualification item for a product or a category - Optional - provideAlternative : An indicator which when the value is "true" means that alternative solutions should be provided - Optional - provideOnlyAvailable : An indicator which when the value is "true" means that only available product offering must be listed in the response - Optional - provideUnavailabilityReason : An indicator which when the value is "true" means that unavailability reason are expected for non available product offering - Optional - qualificationResult : Result of the qualification (example: green, yellow, red) - Optional - relatedParty : Party playing a role for this qualification (as requester for example) - Optional - requestedPOQCompletionDate : Deadline date when the requester expected a qualification answer - Optional - state : State of the productOfferingQualification defined in the state engine - Optional

TMForum APIs that use this schema

Taking into consideration the snapshot of 04/02/2020 04:22:50 UTC the list of TMForum Open APIs that uses this schemas is:

Coming soon